The past week I found a mod that restores the settings of the DS3 shown on the E3. Enkindled Mode in Dark Souls 3 is required in order to become a "host" in multiplayer and summon other players. PVP is the only thing missing from making this the definitive version of Dark Souls 3! Unlike Dark Souls 2, though, there may not be a way to get multiple circlets. In order to activate this mode you must acquire and use an Ember.This state is also known as "Lord of Cinder Mode" (from early translations of beta), "Lord of Embers" (from early Namco's materials), "Host of Embers" (from Namco's materials) or "Embered" … Out of every randomizer mod available for Dark Souls 3, the DS3 Fog Gate Randomizer arguably has the largest impact on… That way you could just switch them out and maybe avoid a ban (I'm not as tech-savvy, so this is just a guess).The recommendation I would use is to switch Steam accounts to one that you're family-sharing Dark Souls 3 to, and let that one get banned. Cinders is a mod for Dark Souls III, created by Xylozi. It's the big two-hundo and a bigger episode than normal. Cinders at Dark Souls 3 Nexus - Mods and Communit. You CAN go online, but then you will get a softban, but you can play there with your friends. Me and a friend want to play coop in the Cinders mod, but we had a problem. It is a total overhaul, meaning practically everything has been touched in someway.